How to Get Your Company Excited About New Technology

Picture this: it’s 1am and you’re wide awake, so full of excitement about a new technology your company is implementing that you can’t sleep the night before the launch. You know the technology has the potential to transform your business.

Yet when you present the new technology to the team, their eyes don’t light up with similar enthusiasm.

Sound familiar?

We meet with customers every day during their technology acquisition process, and believe me, it’s very normal to have your team (or sometimes, even your executives) be resistant to change, particularly when that change might modify processes across the organization. The good news is that it’s not impossible to get everyone on side with the new technology, particularly when you can outline the prospective success everyone will benefit from. Here are four things any company can do to get everyone on your team excited about your new technology.

1. Emphasize its Value
Your company must understand the value of the product before they buy in. Employees are more likely to adopt the new technology if they understand it’s value.Present the technology as the solution to problems your team has faced, or as a way to increase employee productivity. What does the product bring to your business and what do your team members stand to gain from its implementation? Do you have a playbook to follow? Does it revolutionize business processes and increase employee productivity?

Figure out the value to your organization — and don’t be afraid to shout that from the rooftops. At a minimum, present the process at your weekly team meeting!

2. Be Transparent
If there are bumps along the road, it is important to create a clear channel for communication within the company. As conversations take place, potential roadblocks can be addressed by the team. Having these conversations through an open channel creates an environment where team members can help each other work through issues and bring their own solutions to the table. Understand that with new technology and innovation, comes transition. Being transparent with your team is a critical part of getting everyone on board.

3. Get Excited
Celebrate the wins! Publicize the ways your new technology is impacting your business and celebrate milestones on the way to its full business impact. Use your excitement to encourage others to get excited as well. A new technology can be an opportunity to learn new skills and contribute to the team in new ways. Encourage professional growth through the use of the technology and give a shout out to anyone who comes forward to utilize the technology in new ways. Technology can foster incredible innovation — innovation that helps revive an older brand, and that helps new brands leapfrog markets and become winners. Explore any and all resources available to guide your team to success and encourage them to become technology advocates. When the culture is one that embraces the excitement around change, it will drive adoption and encourage others on the extended team to get excited as well.

4. Figure out the “How”
You presented the new technology to your team and they know about the value, they have additional resources to explore, and they are excited to take this journey with you. So, how will you make the most of it? Are there adoption resources, advisory services to get you started? Is there a success community to join that will help guide your team to success with your new technology? For instance, Salesforce offer every customer a set of resources to figure out “how” best to adopt and implement the technology to maximize business value and impact. The more value your team sees in the new technology, the more they will be excited to use it.

At the end of the day, successful implementation will result in your success as a leader. With just a little preparation and a focus on the “how,” your company can easily go to “WOW!” with your technology adoption. And if you need some more inspiration? Ask Focus and find out more about how you can supercharge your own technology use.

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