
The Pricing Debate

While 99% of sales training manuals do all they can to avoid the “pricing” topic, in reality, for the vast majority of sales people, price is always a factor. So, rather than pretend it does not exit, let’s hit it head on.

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Creating an “Experience”: Who Would You Buy From?

What is your customer really buying? What keeps them coming back? What is going to make them refer people to you? What will decrease the importance of just price alone?

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The “Assumptive Approach”

It is a technique for easily and quickly booking a meeting (face to face or by phone) with your audience when you are not in front of them, not talking with them or not everyone has their calendar.

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Schedule Phone Meetings Instead of Playing Phone Tag

While this topic by its title may seem too simple for a whole page, I can tell you that it is the single most powerful technique I use on a day-to-day basis.

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The Art of Building Trust and Rapport

For most of us selling a solution (whether a product or service), we have come to expect a long, often drawn-out, sales cycle before the yes or no verdict. We also know that there are a lot of factors that go into the decision to buy/not to buy from us…

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Why Bother with a CRM?

Why Bother with a CRM and How to Make it Work for You? For many companies, implementing a CRM is not an easy task because for decades sales people have been “doing it their way” and now, all of sudden, we are asking them to standardize their communication & organization…

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Here you’ll get insight and tips about Salesforce CRM Management based on our extensive experience. We’ll be talking about Salesforce topics from Implementations, sales strategy, training, best practises and more.


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