What YOU Can Control … (to Succeed in Tough Economic Times)

When the economy is hot – like it was for most of the mid-2000’s – the phone is ringing. Requests for quotes are coming in, sales cycles are short, margins are high, sales targets are being exceeded, and overall sales people look to have the skills and attitude of a winner.

But when the economy softens, as it did after 2000 and in late 2008, reality begins to set in. And that reality is that many of the tactics, strategies and styles employed by sales people when the economy was strong will no longer be enough during tough times.

In a tough economy, do ALL sales people’s results suffer?

The answer is a definitive NO! The sales people that will certainly struggle as their “lake dries up” because they:

  • Traditionally waited for the phone to ring.
  • Depended heavily on their existing customer base.
  • Responded to quotes and then waited for the order.
  • Sold on price alone and could not/would not prospect for new business.

But those sales people that have always actively generated new business will grow as they take advantage of their complacent competition by:

  • Aggressively followed up their quotes.
  • Proactively called on their past customers for business.
  • Maintained a sense of urgency.

In tough economic times, more than ever before, there is no sense in worrying about what you cannot control. Take this opportunity to extend your energy and focus on what you CAN control.

What Can’t you Control?

In this exercise, please write down all the variables, you simply cannot control, whether or not they positively or negatively impact your performance or results, .

A few examples include the price of commodities, such as gas or steel, OR who your competitors are and what their sales/go-to-market strategy is.

Now that you have listed some of the key variables that are out of your control, the goal is to turn your attention, energy and strategy squarely towards what is in your control (while still being aware, but not controlled, by the realities of today’s marketplace and its impact to your business).

What Can you Control?

There are really only 3 major categories that are squarely in your control as a member of the sales organization.

  • Your Sales Strategy
  • Your Sales Activity Level
  • Your Selling Skills

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