Author: lisa

Scoring and Grading your Leads, in Pardot

In the old days, we would refer to our leads as one of cold, warm or hot. Of course, they were subjective and also under the scrutiny of anyone who didn’t agree with the subjective categorization. This was a bone of contention…

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Tweaking your CRM for greater scalability in 2020

A couple weeks back, I had the pleasure of attending a webinar that provided tips on how small and medium-size businesses can better scale in 2020. The purpose of this blog post is to share with you a summary of key…

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Can personalization on your emails go too far?

I was working with a client recently and we were constructing an Engagement campaign that had ‘send an email’ as one of the steps. He was adamant that the email we were building have a very large number of personalization fields on…

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Easy as 1-2-3: A Simple Report on Key Sales Metrics

As a Salesforce Consultant I spend a great deal of time improving my clients’ perception of Salesforce.  Understandably, organizations want to ensure the cost and resources they commit to Salesforce are worth the investment. One of the most common questions I am…

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Follow Up Best Practices

Where to Start? Too many sales people only think about their follow up best practices when they are actually following up. The most effective of sales people know that the best way to avoid a follow up from going cold, is by…

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3 Reasons That Your Awesome Salesforce Implementation is Failing

After a series of build committee meetings, customizations, development and testing, your implementation partner has delivered an awesome Salesforce instance that reflects your business process. Salesforce is launched with much fanfare. Management and executives are excited to see this technology investment pay…

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Here you’ll get insight and tips about Salesforce CRM Management based on our extensive experience. We’ll be talking about Salesforce topics from Implementations, sales strategy, training, best practises and more.

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