Motivation is a core concept in the field of psychology. It is the “why” behind behavior. Without motivation there is no action.

Wikipedia defines motivation as:

The reason for people’s actions, willingness and goals. It is one’s direction to behaviour, or what causes a person to want to repeat a behaviour. An individual’s motivation may be inspired by others or events—or it may come from within.  Mastering motivation to allow sustained and deliberate practice is central to high levels of achievement. 

Without question, one of a sales manager’s primary tasks is to motivate their sales force—to cause them to want to repeat behavior that generates sales results that meet or exceed expectations. But how to be a master at motivating your troops? What are the processes that give the behavior of sales reps energy and direction?

All sales people are human and in order for them to act in ways that give rise to success they need clarity about why they are being asked to do something. If they don’t know the answer to this they will either cease doing it, or they will do it without focus and, invariably, ineffectively. Explain in digestible detail the “whys” of your sales strategies—your plans for the future—as well as of your sales tactics—your techniques to be implemented in the here and now to achieve sales goals. Sales reps who understand and buy into why they are executing strategies and tactics are motivated sales reps.

After explaining the reasons for doing something it is essential to provide the requisite support for the journey that leads to achievement of the clearly stated goals. Like sales reps who understand “why”, those who feel supported by management are motivated to execute. Sales force support is multifaceted and should include:

1) Measurable personal and team goals: Sales reps need attainable, quantifiable targets that reflect both individual and corporate performance. Everyone wants to be on a winning team—and to get on the score sheet. Numbers matter because they distinguish victory from defeat, and profit from loss. Clear sales targets stimulate the competitive juices, which flow through any sales rep worth their salt. Numbers motivate and must be consistently presented to the sales force in reports that communicate like the standings column on No beating around the bush.

2) Praise and rewards: Sales reps have to deal with failure or rejection on a daily basis. They also spend a considerable amount of time away from their colleagues—and often family and friends as well. They are vulnerable to feelings of isolation, which can sap energy and will—and demotivate. To motivate their sales force managers must take every legitimate opportunity to acknowledge achievement, both in one-to-one and in group settings. Of course, nothing celebrates sale force accomplishments like incentive programs and contests that provide enticing monetary rewards—the ultimate motivation for many.

3) Personalized and group training: Personalized training is both costly and time-intensive. That said, it is crucial to building loyalty amongst sales force members, who can readily see that they are valued and gain confidence in their skills—both of which are highly motivational. Group training sessions also motivate in that they help build collegial rapport, which generates energy and breeds success.

4) Leadership opportunities: On any team there will be star players, individuals who achieve through hard work, pure talent‚ or a combination of both. Leadership opportunities for such performers are vital to helping them stay on top of their game—to stay hungry and motivated to take the team to new heights.

In summary, motivation is the desire to put forth effort to achieve a goal. Sales executives need to fully understand just how fundamental motivation is to success. Salesforce can certainly help, these Sales Executives achieve their goals, but the motivation needs to be present for the user to adopt Salesforce.

Need a motivational lift for adopting Salesforce? Contact Focus to discuss the benefits of adopting Salesforce, to fully motivate your team.